Sims 3 custom worlds rflong7
Sims 3 custom worlds rflong7

My taste in puddings may not be your taste in puddings. You can also add your own blank lots as there is lots of space to do so. Over 20 blank Residential lots (33 and 1 blank community lot to be exact.) pre-placed in the world for you to build on or create into Community lots.There is lots of room to place your own community lots. Does not include Showtime lots, the movie set, or any of the Community Lots except a Graveyard at the back of the town hall (which is the original from Riverview) and a Library (which is the Wright’s Reading Room from the original Riverview completely redone.) Includes a Gypsy Wagon. I don’t know if it will load if you do not have them all, but it may load and just replace some objects/remove them. Requires ALL EP’s (but no SP’s) AND REQUIRES RIVERVIEW AND AURORA SKIES FROM THE STORE. I used a bunch of objects from each EP.Go download them from HERE (at the bottom of the post). REQUIRES RIVERVIEW BRIDGES AND DISTANT TERRAIN FROM MODTHESIMS. There is no way to package the bridges or distant terrain with a world currently.If you want to report a bug, feel free to let me know, but I will probably not be updating this world unless there is a game-breaking bug reported. If you have trouble installing it, please look at the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this post. I’ve playtested this for the past week and haven’t run into any problems. Spawners have been placed from scratch in places I think made sense at the time (Looking for seeds? Go check the front of the farm fields.) The trees have been completely hand-picked by me to have many different, more colorful tree types. I prefer small worlds, where I can keep track of all my sims very easily from a glance. I have removed a LOT of roads and made Riverview generally more compact. This is Riverview completely redone from a blank terrain file. If you find any issues, please tell me! I will try my best to help and fix any. I hope to eventually alter it myself, but for now, this is the first version :) If you alter it and would like to upload it, please tag me so I can see them and reblog! :).I have included the CAW files as well, so for those who want to alter it you may, but please give credit where credit is due.If you take pictures, populate, build or alter, I would love to see it! Tag me!.I used awesims textures, and they will show up in game as so :).There are spawners everywhere, so if you’re into collecting and shiffle, it’s all there :D.

sims 3 custom worlds rflong7

It only requires base game! No cc, no ep or sp content!.I’m patched to 1.57, so us mac losers users can use this, hallelu!.This is a small world, for us people with less than amazing computers.SIlverhollow is empty and ready for new residents to make it shine! There are 33 lots, all of different sizes/types. Welcome to the quaint new town of Silverhollow! Less valuable than Goldhollow and less sucky than Bronzehollow.

Sims 3 custom worlds rflong7